Friday, October 29, 2010

Junko Tabei

For Campbell's Halloween celebration, the kids can only wear a costume if they can dress as and tell about a historical figure.  Cecelia had an Asian outfit she really wanted to wear so we did a little research.  There were not many Asian women we could find, that were historically significant.  One we did find was the first woman to make it to the top of Mount Everest.  Her name was Junko Tabei.  Cecelia typed a report, found a picture, and was all ready to go.  Unfortunately, dad had no idea about any of it because he hasn't been home in weeks (remember Schaeffer).  He didn't think she needed her costume so Cecelia didn't have it for school.  I found this out at 8:00 as my day began.  I was so upset by it because of all the hard work that was put into it, that I rearranged my schedule, traded plan times and skipped lunch, just so I could make it home to get her costume and take it to her.  I am glad I did, her teacher said she had been upset all morning.  The before school people even helped her rewrite her paper!  Here is her paper and a pic of her presenting.

Junko Tabei

She climes mowtins ol over the wrld and climed the 7 sumits.
She is frum Japan
She was the ferst woman to clime Mownt Everest in 1975, the hiist in the wrld.
She was baeried in a avulanch and had to be dug owt.

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