Saturday, August 28, 2010

Celia's room

Sylvia has had a very difficult time transitioning to the new home and a new room.  I thought she would be the easiest to transition since she never shared a room before we moved, but I was dead wrong.  Every night she seems to sneak out of her room and into "Celia's room".  Cecelia is a gracious big sister and hosts her little sis every night with few complaints.

Well tonight Cecelia is spending the night at Aunt Linda's house.  I was interested in seeing how the night played out.  Would Sylvia sleep on Lydia's floor?  Maybe she would sneak into her lower bunk in Cecelia's room.  Then again she might actually stay in her own bed.   When I went up to get a glimpse of my sleeping beauties I found her in Cecelia's loft surrounded by her things and sleeping peacefully.  I should have grabbed the camera, but instead took her to her own bed so she didn't roll off the unfinished end of the loft in the middle of the night.  As I kissed her goodnight for the second time I noticed she had an extra sparkle.  Did she really miss Cecelia or just see an opportunity to wear her make-up?  I'd like to think it is the sisterly bond they will share forever that drew her to the room.  Good night, sleep tight!

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