Thursday, April 1, 2010

Have your cake and eat it too?

So in the last 3 weeks we have moved out of our house on Russell and are living in my mom's second house. (Thanks mom for having an extra house lying around for us.) Until this week we did not have internet (thanks Dale for the new wireless in your second floor window)! It was rustic and now I am woefully behind in blogging so I will start with today and work my way backwards.

Today was April Fool's Day and the girls were so funny. This morning Bob did the "You have something on your shirt" bonk the kids in the nose thing to Cecelia and Lydia. They both fell for it! When he got to Sylvia she wouldn't look down and and just smiled like "I got your number fool"!

This evening after school, I took the brownie mix out of the box and re-taped the box. Then I called the girls in to make brownies. Cecelia opened the box and right away started laughing. Then Sylvia went to crack the eggs so we could really make the brownies and they were hard boiled. She just looked confused. Cecelia being the big sister of course thought she would be able to do it because she was stronger! Hehehe... April Fool's!

While the brownies were baking I sent the kids outside to play. I took a cereal box and iced it with pink icing and sprinkles. After dinner I told the girls they could eat brownies straight from the pan. Below is the video of them trying to eat the box brownie! Cecelia said she knew before she ate, but you can tell by her face she didn't!

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